Cochran’s Q test is an extension of the McNemar test, when the response variable is dichotomous and there are either multiple times for a repeated measure or multiple categories with paired responses. A dichotomous variable is a nominal variable with only two levels.
One case would be extending the rain barrel question from the previous chapter to multiple times. A more common case would be extending the coffee and tea example to multiple beverages. In this case, we would test among several beverages which is more popular that the others.
Data are not typically arranged in a contingency table, but are either organized in long-format, with each row representing a single observation, or organized in a short-format matrix with each row representing an experimental unit with the repeated measures across columns.
Student Beverage Response
a Coffee Yes
a Tea Yes
a Cola No
b Coffee No
b Tea No
b Cola Yes
c Coffee Yes
c Tea No
c Cola No
Student Coffee Tea Cola
a Yes Yes No
b No No Yes
c Yes No No
Data need to be arranged in an unreplicated complete block design. That is, for each experimental unit (Student in this case) there needs to be one and only one response per question or time.
The package RVAideMemoire has a function cochran.qtest which will conduct Cochran’s Q test on long-format data. The function symmetry_test in the coin package will also conduct the test using permutation, which a type of resampling technique.
A word of caution about the symmetry_test function: be sure not to use it in cases where the response variable is multinomial; that is, where there are more than two levels in the response. The function will return a result, but it is not the same kind of symmetry result as the McNemar–Bowker test. I suspect that for a multinomial response variable, coin treats it like an ordered factor, not like a nominal variable.
When there are two questions or times, Cochran’s Q test is equivalent to the McNemar test.
Post-hoc analysis can be conducted with pairwise McNemar or exact tests on 2 x 2 tables. The function pairwiseMcnemar in the rcompanion package will conduct pairwise McNemar, exact, or permutation tests.
Appropriate data
• The response variable is a dichotomous nominal variable.
• The responses are paired by experimental unit.
• The responses are measured across two or more times or factors.
• The data follow an unreplicated complete block design, with each experimental unit treated as the block.
• Null hypothesis: The marginal probability of a [positive] response is unchanged across the times or factors. That is, a positive response is equally likely across times or factors.
• Alternative hypothesis: Positive responses are not equally likely across times or factors.
Significant results can be reported as “There was a significant difference in the proportion of positive responses across times or factors.” Or, “A positive response for X was more likely than a positive response for Y.”
Post-hoc analysis
Post hoc analysis can be conducted by conducting tests for the component 2 x 2 tables. A correction for multiple tests should be applied.
Packages used in this chapter
The packages used in this chapter include:
• psych
• RVAideMemoire
• coin
• reshape2
• rcompanion
The following commands will install these packages if they are not already installed:
Cochran’s Q test example: long-format
Hayley Smith teaches an extension course on environmentally-friendly lawn care. After the course, she surveys her students about their willingness to adopt good practices: Soil testing, measuring the amount of irrigation, raising the mowing height, and returning the grass clippings to the lawn. She wants to know which practice students were more willing to adopt.
Input = ("
Practice Student Response
SoilTest a Yes
SoilTest b No
SoilTest c Yes
SoilTest d Yes
SoilTest e No
SoilTest f Yes
SoilTest g Yes
SoilTest h Yes
SoilTest i No
SoilTest j Yes
SoilTest k Yes
SoilTest l Yes
SoilTest m Yes
SoilTest n Yes
Irrigation a Yes
Irrigation b No
Irrigation c No
Irrigation d No
Irrigation e No
Irrigation f No
Irrigation g No
Irrigation h No
Irrigation i Yes
Irrigation j No
Irrigation k No
Irrigation l No
Irrigation m No
Irrigation n No
MowHeight a Yes
MowHeight b No
MowHeight c Yes
MowHeight d Yes
MowHeight e Yes
MowHeight f Yes
MowHeight g Yes
MowHeight h Yes
MowHeight i No
MowHeight j Yes
MowHeight k Yes
MowHeight l Yes
MowHeight m Yes
MowHeight n Yes
Clippings a Yes
Clippings b No
Clippings c No
Clippings d Yes
Clippings e Yes
Clippings f No
Clippings g No
Clippings h Yes
Clippings i Yes
Clippings j Yes
Clippings k Yes
Clippings l No
Clippings m Yes
Clippings n No
Data = read.table(textConnection(Input),header=TRUE)
### Order factors otherwise R will alphabetize them
Data$Practice = factor(Data$Practice,
Data$Response = factor(Data$Response,
levels=c("Yes", "No"))
### Check the data frame
### Remove unnecessary objects
### View data as a table
Data$Response.n = as.numeric(Data$Response) - 1 ###
Creates a new numeric variable
that is Response as a 0 or 1
Table = xtabs(Response.n ~ Student + Practice,
Student SoilTest Irrigation MowHeight Clippings
a 0 0 0 0
b 1 1 1 1
c 0 1 0 1
d 0 1 0 0
e 1 1 0 0
f 0 1 0 1
g 0 1 0 1
h 0 1 0 0
i 1 0 1 0
j 0 1 0 0
k 0 1 0 0
l 0 1 0 1
m 0 1 0 0
n 0 1 0 1
### View counts of responses
xtabs( ~ Practice + Response,
Practice Yes No
SoilTest 11 3
Irrigation 2 12
MowHeight 12 2
Clippings 8 6
### Create bar plot
Table = xtabs( ~ Response + Practice,
beside = TRUE,
legend = TRUE,
ylim = c(0, 12), ### y-axis: used to
prevent legend overlapping bars
cex.names = 0.8, ### Text size for bars
cex.axis = 0.8, ### Text size for axis
args.legend = list(x = "topright", ### Legend location
cex = 0.8, ###
Legend text size
bty = "n")) ### Remove legend box
Cochran’s Q test
cochran.qtest(Response ~ Practice | Student,
data = Data)
Cochran's Q test
Q = 16.9535, df = 3, p-value = 0.0007225
### Note that the function also gives you
proportion of responses for the
### positive response, which is always the second of the nominal response,
### which in this case is "no", or the response coded as "1".
### I wouldn’t use the post-hoc analysis included
with the output of the
### function in RVAideMemoire
symmetry_test(Response ~ Practice | Student,
data = Data,
teststat = "quad")
Asymptotic General Symmetry Test
chi-squared = 16.953, df = 3, p-value = 0.0007225
Post-hoc analysis for Cochran’s Q test
The pairwiseMcnemar function will conduct pairwise McNemar, binomial exact, or permutation tests analogous to uncorrected McNemar tests. The permutation tests require the coin package. As usual, method is the p-value adjustment method (see ?p.adjust for options), and digits indicates the number of digits in the output. The correct option is used by the chi-square test function.
### Order groups
Data$Practice = factor(Data$Practice,
levels = c("MowHeight", "SoilTest",
"Clippings", "Irrigation"))
### Pairwise McNemar tests
PT = pairwiseMcnemar(Response
~ Practice | Student,
data = Data,
test = "permutation",
method = "fdr",
digits = 3)
Comparison p.value p.adjust
1 MowHeight - SoilTest = 0 0.317 0.3170
2 MowHeight - Clippings = 0 0.102 0.1530
3 MowHeight - Irrigation = 0 0.00389 0.0200
4 SoilTest - Clippings = 0 0.257 0.3080
5 SoilTest - Irrigation = 0 0.00666 0.0200
6 Clippings - Irrigation = 0 0.0143 0.0286
### Compact letter display
PT = PT$Pairwise
cldList(p.adjust ~ Comparison,
data = PT,
threshold = 0.05)
Group Letter MonoLetter
1 MowHeight a a
2 SoilTest a a
3 Clippings a a
4 Irrigation b b
Table of results
Proportion "Yes" Grouping
MowHeight 0.86 a
SoilTest 0.79 a
Clippings 0.57 a
Irrigation 0.14 b
Optional analysis: Converting a matrix of p-values to a compact letter display
This compact letter display could also be generated with the multcompView package. To perform this well, it is helpful to first order the factors by the numeric order of their results, in this case by proportion of “yes” responses. Then the data need to be arranged into a matrix of pairwise p-values.
Input =("
Column MowHeight SoilTest Clippings Irrigation
MowHeight NA 0.317 0.153 0.0200
SoilTest NA NA 0.308 0.0200
Clippings NA NA NA 0.0286
Irrigation NA NA NA NA
PT = as.matrix(read.table(textConnection(Input),
### Transform the upper matrix to a full
diag(PT) = 1
PT1 = t(PT)
PT[lower.tri(PT)] = PT1[lower.tri(PT1)]
### Produce compact letter display
threshold=0.05, ### p-value to use
as significance threshold
reversed = FALSE)
MowHeight SoilTest Clippings Irrigation
"a" "a" "a"
Cochran’s Q test example: short-format in matrix
Input =("
Student SoilTest Irrigation MowHeight Clippings
a 0 0 0 0
b 1 1 1 1
c 0 1 0 1
d 0 1 0 0
e 1 1 0 0
f 0 1 0 1
g 0 1 0 1
h 0 1 0 0
i 1 0 1 0
j 0 1 0 0
k 0 1 0 0
l 0 1 0 1
m 0 1 0 0
n 0 1 0 1
Matrix = as.matrix(read.table(textConnection(Input),
### Add names to matrix dimensions that will be names of variables in
names(dimnames(Matrix))[1] = "Student"
names(dimnames(Matrix))[2] = "Practice"
### Convert matrix to long-format
Data = melt(Matrix)
### View data frame
Student Practice value
1 a SoilTest 0
2 b SoilTest 1
3 c SoilTest 0
4 d SoilTest 0
... <NA> <NA> ...
53 k Clippings 0
54 l Clippings 1
55 m Clippings 0
56 n Clippings 1
### Note response variable is called
Cochran’s Q test
cochran.qtest(value ~ Practice | Student,
data = Data)
Cochran's Q test
Q = 16.9535, df = 3, p-value = 0.0007225
symmetry_test(value ~ Practice | Student,
data = Data,
teststat = "quad")
Asymptotic General Symmetry Test
chi-squared = 16.953, df = 3, p-value = 0.0007225
Post-hoc analysis for Cochran’s Q test
### Order groups
Data$Practice = factor(Data$Practice,
levels = c("MowHeight", "SoilTest",
"Clippings", "Irrigation"))
### Pairwise McNemar tests
pairwiseMcnemar(Response ~ Practice | Student,
data = Data,
test = "permutation",
method = "fdr",
digits = 3)
### test = "exact",
"mcnemar", "permutation"
### method: p-value adjustment, see ?p.adjust
### correct: TRUE, to apply continuity correction for McNemar test
Comparison p.value p.adjust
1 MowHeight - SoilTest = 0 0.317 0.3170
2 MowHeight - Clippings = 0 0.102 0.1530
3 MowHeight - Irrigation = 0 0.00389 0.0200
4 SoilTest - Clippings = 0 0.257 0.3080
5 SoilTest - Irrigation = 0 0.00666 0.0200
6 Clippings - Irrigation = 0 0.0143 0.0286