Packages used in this chapter
The packages used in this chapter include:
• Rmisc
• DescTools
• plyr
• boot
• rcompanion
The following commands will install these packages if they are not already installed:
Understanding confidence intervals
Confidence intervals are used to indicate how accurate a calculated statistic is likely to be. Confidence intervals can be calculated for a variety of statistics, such as the mean, median, or slope of a linear regression. This chapter will focus on confidences intervals for means. This book contains a separate chapter, Confidence Intervals for Medians, which addresses confidence intervals for medians. There is also a chapter Confidence Intervals for Proportions in this book.
The Statistics Learning Center video in the Required Readings below gives a good explanation of the meaning of confidence intervals.
Populations and samples
Most of the statistics we use assume we are analyzing a sample which we are using to represent a larger population. If extension educators want to know about the caloric intake of 7th graders, they would be hard-pressed to get the resources to have every 7th grader in the U.S. keep a food diary. Instead, they might collect data from one or two classrooms, and then treat the data sample as if it represents a larger population of students.
The mean caloric intake could be calculated for this sample, but this mean will not be exactly the same as the mean for the larger population. If we collect a large sample and the values aren’t too variable, then the sample mean should be close to the population mean. But if we have few observations, or the values are highly variable, we are less confident our sample mean is close to the population mean.
We will use confidence intervals to give a sense of this confidence.
It’s best not to overthink the discussion on populations and samples. We aren’t necessarily actually extending our statistics to a larger population. That is, we shouldn’t think our measurements from two classrooms are actually indicative of the whole country. There are likely many factors that would change the result school to school and region to region. But even if we are thinking about just the 7th graders in just these two classrooms, most of our statistics will still be based on the assumption that there is a larger population of 7th graders, and we are sampling just a subset.
Statistics and parameters
When we calculate the sample mean, the result is a statistic. It’s an estimate of the population mean, but our calculated sample mean would vary depending on our sample. In theory, there is a mean for the population of interest, and we consider this population mean a parameter. Our goal in calculating the sample mean is estimating the population parameter.
Point estimates and confidence intervals
Our sample mean is a point estimate for the population parameter. A point estimate is a useful approximation for the parameter, but considering the confidence interval for the estimate gives us more information.
As a definition of confidence intervals, if we were to sample the same population many times and calculated a sample mean and a 95% confidence interval each time, then 95% of those intervals would contain the actual population mean.
If this definition of confidence intervals doesn’t make much intuitive sense to you at this point, don’t worry too much about it. Working through some of the examples in this book will help you understand their usefulness.
One use of confidence intervals is to give a sense of how accurate our calculated statistic is relative to the population parameter.
An example
Imagine we have a rule of thumb that we consider a town with a mean household income of greater than $100,000 to be high-income.
For Town A we sample some households and calculate the mean household income and the 95% confidence interval for this statistic. The mean is $125,000, but the data are quiet variable, and the 95% confidence interval is from $75,000 to $175,000. In this case, we don’t have much confidence that Town A is actually a high-income town. The point estimate for the population mean is greater than $100,000, but the confidence interval extends considerably lower than this threshold.
For Town B, we also get a mean of $125,000. But the 95% confidence interval is from $105,000 to $145,000. Here, we have some confidence that Town B is actually a high-income town, because the whole 95% confidence interval lies higher than the $100,000 threshold.
Confidence intervals as an alternative to some tests
Most of the statistical tests in this book will calculate a probability (p-value) of the likelihood of data and draw a conclusion from this p-value. John McDonald, in the Optional Readings below, describes how confidence intervals can be used as an alternative approach.
For example, if we want to compare the means of two groups to see if they are statistically different, we will use a t-test, or similar test, calculate a p-value, and draw a conclusion.
An alternative approach would be to calculate a 95% or 99% confidence interval for the difference in the sample means of the two groups. If this interval doesn’t include zero, then we have good evidence that the means from the two populations differ.
Optional technical note
Yet another approach would be to construct 95% or 99%
confidence intervals about the mean for each group. If the confidence
intervals of the two means don’t overlap, we are justified in calling them
statistically different.
As a technical note, non-overlapping 95% confidence intervals for means do not
equate exactly to a t-test with a p-value of 0.05. The article
by Cumming and Finch in the “References” section gives more details on the
relationship between overlapping confidence intervals and p-values from
statistical tests.
Example for confidence intervals
For this example, extension educators had students wear pedometers to count their number of steps over the course of a day. The following data are the result. Rating is the rating each student gave about the usefulness of the program, on a 1-to-10 scale.
Data = read.table(header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=TRUE, text="
Student Gender Teacher Steps Rating
a female Catbus 8000 7
b female Catbus 9000 10
c female Catbus 10000 9
d female Catbus 7000 5
e female Catbus 6000 4
f female Catbus 8000 8
g male Catbus 7000 6
h male Catbus 5000 5
i male Catbus 9000 10
j male Catbus 7000 8
k female Satsuki 8000 7
l female Satsuki 9000 8
m female Satsuki 9000 8
n female Satsuki 8000 9
o male Satsuki 6000 5
p male Satsuki 8000 9
q male Satsuki 7000 6
r female Totoro 10000 10
s female Totoro 9000 10
t female Totoro 8000 8
u female Totoro 8000 7
v female Totoro 6000 7
w male Totoro 6000 8
x male Totoro 8000 10
y male Totoro 7000 7
z male Totoro 7000 7
### Check the data frame
Recommended procedures for confidence intervals for means
Confidence intervals for means can be calculated by various methods.
The traditional method is the most commonly encountered, and is appropriate for normally distributed data or with large sample sizes. It produces an interval that is symmetric about the mean.
For skewed data, confidence intervals by bootstrapping may be more reliable.
For routine use, I recommend using bootstrapped confidence intervals, particularly the BCa or percentile methods. For further discussion, see below Optional Analyses: confidence intervals for the mean by bootstrapping.
groupwiseMean function for grouped and ungrouped data
The groupwiseMean function in the rcompanion package can produce confidence intervals both by traditional and bootstrap methods, for grouped and ungrouped data.
The data must be housed in a data frame. By default, the function reports confidence intervals by the traditional method.
In the groupwiseMean function, the measurement and grouping variables can be indicated with formula notation, with the measurement variable on the left side of the tilde (~), and grouping variables on the right.
The confidence level is indicated by, e.g., the conf = 0.95 argument. The digits option indicates the number of significant digits to which the output is rounded. Note that in the output, the means and other statistics are rounded to 3 significant figures.
Ungrouped data
Ungrouped data is indicated with a 1 one on the right side of the formula, or the group = NULL argument.
groupwiseMean(Steps ~ 1,
data = Data,
conf = 0.95,
digits = 3)
.id n Mean Conf.level Trad.lower Trad.upper
1 <NA> 26 7690 0.95 7170 8210
### Trad.lower and Trad.upper indicate the
confidence interval
### for the mean by traditional method.
One-way data
groupwiseMean(Steps ~ Gender,
data = Data,
conf = 0.95,
digits = 3)
Gender n Mean Conf.level Trad.lower Trad.upper
1 female 15 8200 0.95 7530 8870
2 male 11 7000 0.95 6260 7740
### Trad.lower and Trad.upper indicate the
confidence interval
### for the mean by traditional method.
Two-way data
groupwiseMean(Steps ~ Teacher + Gender,
data = Data,
conf = 0.95,
digits = 3)
Teacher Gender n Mean Conf.level Trad.lower Trad.upper
1 Catbus female 6 8000 0.95 6520 9480
2 Catbus male 4 7000 0.95 4400 9600
3 Satsuki female 4 8500 0.95 7580 9420
4 Satsuki male 3 7000 0.95 4520 9480
5 Totoro female 5 8200 0.95 6360 10000
6 Totoro male 4 7000 0.95 5700 8300
### Trad.lower and Trad.upper indicate the
confidence interval
### for the mean by traditional method.
Bootstrapped means by group
In the groupwiseMean function, the type of confidence interval is requested by setting certain options to TRUE. These options are traditional, normal, basic, percentile and bca. The boot option reports an optional statistic, the mean by bootstrap. The R option indicates the number of iterations to calculate each bootstrap statistic.
Note that for bootstrap procedures, your results may vary slightly from the results reported here.
groupwiseMean(Steps ~ Gender,
data = Data,
conf = 0.95,
digits = 3,
R = 10000,
boot = TRUE,
traditional = FALSE,
normal = FALSE,
basic = FALSE,
percentile = FALSE,
bca = TRUE)
Gender n Mean Boot.mean Conf.level Bca.lower Bca.upper
1 female 15 8200 8200 0.95 7470 8670
2 male 11 7000 7000 0.95 6270 7550
groupwiseMean(Steps ~ Teacher + Gender,
data = Data,
conf = 0.95,
digits = 3,
R = 10000,
boot = TRUE,
traditional = FALSE,
normal = FALSE,
basic = FALSE,
percentile = FALSE,
bca = TRUE)
Teacher Gender n Mean Boot.mean Conf.level Bca.lower Bca.upper
1 Catbus female 6 8000 8000 0.95 6830 8830
2 Catbus male 4 7000 6990 0.95 5500 8000
3 Satsuki female 4 8500 8500 0.95 8000 8750
4 Satsuki male 3 7000 7000 0.95 6000 7670
5 Totoro female 5 8200 8190 0.95 6800 9000
6 Totoro male 4 7000 7000 0.95 6250 7500
Optional: Other functions for traditional confidence intervals for means
Functions that produce confidence intervals for means by the traditional method include t.test, CI in Rmisc, and MeanCI in DescTools.
One Sample t-test
95 percent confidence interval:
7171.667 8212.949
mean of x
7692.308 7171.667 8212.949
upper mean lower
8212.949 7692.308 7171.667
group.CI(Steps ~ Gender,
ci = 0.95)
Gender Steps.upper Steps.mean Steps.lower
1 female 8868.482 8200 7531.518
2 male 7735.930 7000 6264.070
group.CI(Steps ~ Teacher + Gender,
ci = 0.95)
Teacher Gender Steps.upper Steps.mean Steps.lower
1 Catbus female 9484.126 8000 6515.874
2 Satsuki female 9418.693 8500 7581.307
3 Totoro female 10041.685 8200 6358.315
4 Catbus male 9598.457 7000 4401.543
5 Satsuki male 9484.138 7000 4515.862
6 Totoro male 8299.228 7000 5700.772
Optional Analyses: confidence intervals for the mean by bootstrapping
Bootstrapping is a method that samples the data many times, each time calculating a statistic, and then determining a confidence interval or other statistic from these iterations.
Bootstrapped confidence intervals can be more reliable than those determined by the traditional method for certain data sets. For more details on the different types of bootstrapped confidence intervals, see the Carpenter and Bithel article in the “References” section of this chapter. The BCa method (bias corrected, accelerated) is often cited as the best method, and the percentile method is also cited as typically good.
The boot package can calculate confidence intervals for means by bootstrap. In the boot function, R indicates the number of re-samplings.
The function groupwiseMean in the rcompanion package allows for calculating confidence intervals for means for grouped data, using the bootstrap procedures from the boot package.
Note that for bootstrap procedures, your results may vary slightly from the results reported here.
Mboot = boot(Data$Steps,
function(x,i) mean(x[i]),
### The mean based on the bootstrap method.,
conf = 0.95,
type = c("norm", "basic" ,"perc",
Intervals :
Level Normal Basic
95% (7208, 8174 ) (7192, 8154 )
Level Percentile BCa
95% (7231, 8192 ) (7154, 8115 )
Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale
### Other information
col = "darkgray")
Optional analyses
Confidence intervals for geometric mean
The geometric mean was discussed in the previous chapter. Here, the CI function in Rmisc is used to construct confidence intervals for the geometric mean.
Bacteria = c(20, 40, 50, 60, 100, 120, 150, 200, 1000)
exp(CI(log(Bacteria), ci=0.95))
upper mean lower
233.85448 98.38887 41.39484
Confidence intervals for geometric means for groups
The groupwiseGeometric function in the rcompanion package produces the geometric mean and limits for the geometric mean plus and minus the standard deviation, standard error, and confidence interval.
Data = read.table(header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=TRUE, text="
Site Bacteria
A 20
A 40
A 50
A 60
A 100
A 120
A 150
A 200
A 1000
B 100
B 120
B 210
B 300
B 420
B 400
B 500
B 800
B 4000
C 10
C 30
C 40
C 60
C 110
C 100
C 160
C 210
C 1200
groupwiseGeometric(Bacteria ~ Site,
data = Data,
digits = 3,
na.rm = TRUE)
Site n Geo.mean sd.lower sd.upper se.lower se.upper ci.lower ci.upper
1 A 9 98.4 31.9 303 67.6 143 41.4 234
2 B 9 389.0 129.0 1170 269.0 561 167.0 906
3 C 9 88.1 22.7 341 56.1 138 31.1 249
Confidence intervals for trimmed means
The function groupwiseMean in the rcompanion package can also calculate trimmed means and confidence intervals for trimmed means. Note that the results for confidence intervals by bootstrap may differ.
Data = read.table(header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=TRUE, text="
Student Gender Teacher Steps Rating
a female Catbus 8000 7
b female Catbus 9000 10
c female Catbus 10000 9
d female Catbus 7000 5
e female Catbus 6000 4
f female Catbus 8000 8
g male Catbus 7000 6
h male Catbus 5000 5
i male Catbus 9000 10
j male Catbus 7000 8
k female Satsuki 8000 7
l female Satsuki 9000 8
m female Satsuki 9000 8
n female Satsuki 8000 9
o male Satsuki 6000 5
p male Satsuki 8000 9
q male Satsuki 7000 6
r female Totoro 10000 10
s female Totoro 9000 10
t female Totoro 8000 8
u female Totoro 8000 7
v female Totoro 6000 7
w male Totoro 6000 8
x male Totoro 8000 10
y male Totoro 7000 7
z male Totoro 7000 7
groupwiseMean(Steps ~ Gender,
data = Data,
trim = 0.20,
conf = 0.95,
traditional = FALSE,
percentile = TRUE,
digits = 3)
Gender n Mean Conf.level Percentile.lower Percentile.upper
1 female 15 8330 0.95 7560 8890
2 male 11 7000 0.95 6430 7570
Confidence intervals for M-estimators
The groupwiseHuber function in the rcompanion package is a wrapper for the DescTools::HuberM function. It calculates the Huber M-estimator of location, and confidence intervals, for grouped data.
groupwiseHuber(Steps ~ Gender,
data = Data,
conf.level = 0.95,
digits = 3)
Gender n M.Huber
1 female 15 8230 7520 8940
2 male 11 7000 6140 7860
Required readings
[Video] “Understanding Confidence Intervals: Statistics Help” from Statistics Learning Center. (Dr. Nic). 2013.
Optional readings
“Confidence limits” in McDonald, J.H. 2014. Handbook of Biological Statistics.
[Video] “Calculating the Confidence interval for a mean using a formula” from Statistics Learning Center. (Dr. Nic). 2013.
“Confidence Intervals”, Chapter 8 in Openstax. 2013. Introductory Statistics.
“Confidence intervals” , Chapter 4.2 in Diez, D.M., C.D. Barr , and M. Çetinkaya-Rundel. 2012. OpenIntro Statistics, 2nd ed.
Carpenter, J. and J. Bithel. 2000. “Bootstrap confidence intervals: when, which, what? A practical guide for medical statisticians”. Statistics in Medicine 19:1141–1164.
Cumming, G. and Finch, S. 2005. Inference by Eye:Confidence Intervals and How to Read Pictures of Data. American Psychologist 60:170-180.
Exercises D
1. Considering the Catbus, Satsuki, and Totoro data,
a. What was the mean of Steps?
b. What is the 95% confidence interval for Steps (traditional method)?
2. Considering the Catbus, Satsuki, and Totoro data,
a. What was the mean of Steps for females?
b. What is the 95% confidence interval for Steps for females (traditional method)?
3. Looking at the 95% confidence intervals for Steps for males and females, are we justified in claiming that the mean Steps was statistically different for females and males? Why?
4. As part of a nutrition education program, extension educators had students
keep diaries of what they ate for a day and then calculated the calories
students consumed.
Student Teacher Gender Calories Rating
a Tetsuo male 2300 3
b Tetsuo female 1800 3
c Tetsuo male 1900 4
d Tetsuo female 1700 5
e Tetsuo male 2200 4
f Tetsuo female 1600 3
g Tetsuo male 1800 3
h Tetsuo female 2000 3
i Kaneda male 2100 4
j Kaneda female 1900 5
k Kaneda male 1900 4
l Kaneda female 1600 4
m Kaneda male 2000 4
n Kaneda female 2000 5
o Kaneda male 2100 3
p Kaneda female 1800 4
For each of the following, answer the question, and show the output from the analyses you used to answer the question.
a. What is the mean of Calories?
b. What is the 95% confidence interval for Calories (traditional method)?
c. What is the mean of Calories for females?
d. What is the 95% confidence interval for Calories for females (traditional method)?
e. Looking at the 95% confidence intervals for Calories for males and females, are we justified in claiming that the mean Calories was statistically different for females and males? Why?